Thursday, 13 October 2011

PHP: Getting disk usage (class)

I thought I might as well post this class I wrote a while ago. It basically gathers the following for the specific drive you've selected;
  • Raw Total Size
  • Raw Free Size
  • Readable Total Size
  • Readable Free Size
  • Percentage Free
  • Percentage Used
The Class
class diskSpace
 function __construct( $disk = '.' )
  $this->the_drive = $disk;
  $this->raw_diskspace = $this->disk_spaces( "total" );
  $this->raw_freespace = $this->disk_spaces( "free" );
  $this->readable_diskspace = $this->readableSizes( $this->raw_diskspace );
  $this->readable_freespace = $this->readableSizes( $this->raw_freespace );
  $this->percentage_free = $this->percentages( "free" );
  $this->percentage_used = $this->percentages( "used" );
 public function disk_spaces( $type )
   case "total":
    return disk_total_space( $this->the_drive );
   case "free":
    return disk_free_space( $this->the_drive );
 public function readableSizes( $size )
  $types = array( ' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' TB', ' EB', ' ZB', ' YB' );
 public function percentages( $type )
   case "free":
    return (round($this->raw_freespace / $this->raw_diskspace, 2) * 100) . "%";
   case "used":
    return round(100 - $this->percentage_free) . "%";
The Usage
// load class with default drive
$dUsage = new diskSpace;

// or load class with specific drive
$dUsage = new diskSpace( "." );
// how to call each option
print("The Disk: " . $dUsage->the_drive);
// will output: .

print("Raw Size: " . $dUsage->raw_diskspace);
// will output: Raw Size: 489616760832

print("Raw Free: " . $dUsage->raw_freespace);
// will output: Raw Free: 454473097216

print("Readable Size: " . $dUsage->readable_diskspace);
// will output: Readable Size: 455.99 GB

print("Readable Free: " . $dUsage->readable_freespace);
// will output: Readable Free: 423.26 GB

print("Percentage Free: " . $dUsage->percentage_free);
// will output: Percentage Free: 93%

print("Percentage Used: " . $dUsage->percentage_used);
// will output: Percentage Used: 7%

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Make script not directly accessible

So if you're a PHP developer and want to make some include files protected. Basically so no one can look directly at them for whatever reason, simply;

 die("Direct access is not allowed");
